100 Photography Keywords – in Mandarin (Chinese)



100 Photography Keywords – in Mandarin (Chinese)

Photo: Just a spoofed photo of a famous DSLR brand.

11th March 2014. Singapore – With more and more Chinese nationals coming to our shores, it is important that we should know some photography terms in Mandarin (Chinese language). Personally I had taught a few China-Chinese photography students here in Singapore as well as some senior citizens who are not proficient in English. After trying to teach & explain in Mandarin for a couple of times (and after lots of senseless laughter), I am still not really good at teaching in Mandarin. Sometimes, before I can even say or explain something, I started giggling already. You can imagine the faces of the students when they see me giggling and after that, I spout out broken Mandarin so bad that they swear I was speaking French.

I have compiled some 100 Key words that we commonly used in Photography along with the chinese text beside it. This list was compiled from google, contributions from friends & students. Some make sense to me while some are totally off.
I will leave it to you on what you think is correct.

I would like to clarify that NONE of the Keywords below are verified or recognized by any source.

Have fun & here I present to you,

The 100 Photography Keywords – in Mandarin (Chinese)

People 人物
01) Photographer = 摄影师
02)  Videographer = 视频摄影师
03) Junior Photographer = 菜鸟摄影师
04) Senior Photographer = 摄影前辈
05) Master Photographer = 摄影师父
06) Retired Photographer = 神
07) Photography Assistant = 摄影助理/ 跑腿
08) Photographer-Wannabe = 骗吃骗喝/装模作样
09) Model = 模特儿 (摸不得)
10) Gearhead = 摄影器材收藏家/ 咖浪古尼

Functions 功能
11) Shutter = 快门
12) Aperture = 光圈
13) ISO = 光线敏感测量度
14) Metering = 光亮测量表
15) Flash = 闪光灯
16) Single Shot = 单拍
17) Continous Shot = 连拍
18) White Balance = 白色平衡表
19) Preview = 预览
20) Delete = 删除
21) Magnify = 放大
22) Bracketing = 包围连拍夹层摄影
23) Focus Point = 对焦点
24) Automatic Mode = 全自动模式
25) Shutter Priority Mode = 快门优先模式
26) Aperture Priority Mode = 光圈优先模式
27) Programme Auto Mode = 程序半自动模式
28) Bulb Mode = 灯泡模式, 快门曝光时间由用户控制
29) Long Exposure = 长时间曝光
30) Focus Peaking = 重点峰值

Style/ Genre 风格
31) Macro = 微细摄影
32) Portraiture = 人像摄影
33) Landscape = 景观摄影
34) Nature = 自然生态摄影
35) Sports = 运动摄影
36) Abstract = 抽象摄影
37) Birding = 飞禽摄影
38) Wedding = 婚纱摄影,婚照摄影
39) Monochrome = 黑白摄影
40) Street = 街头摄影
41) Fashion = 时尚摄影
42) Abstract = 抽象摄影
43) Porn = 色情摄影
44) Pets/ Wildlife = 宠物摄影/ 野生摄影
45) Events =活动摄影
46) Food = 食物摄影
47) Product = 产品摄影
48) Advertisement = 广告系摄影
49) Photo Processing = 照片处理
50) Crop = 修剪

Photo: Just a Another spoofed photo of a famous DSLR brand.

Equipment 设备

51) UV Filter = 紫外线过滤器
52) ND Filter = 中性密度镜片滤光器
53) CPL Filter = 偏光镜片滤光器
54) Gradient Filter = 梯度滤光器
55) Infrared Filter = 红外线过滤器, 也名为万能过滤器
56) Wide Angle Lens = 广角镜头
57) Fisheye Lens = 鱼眼镜头
58) Zoom Lens = 变焦镜头
59) Prime Lens = 定焦镜头
60) Tilt Shift Lens = 移轴镜头
61) Telephoto Lens = 远摄镜头
62) Super Telephoto Lens = 超远摄镜头
63) Manual Lens = 手动对焦镜头
64) Auto Lens =自动对焦镜头
65) Local Lens = 当地镜头
66) Parallel Imported Lens = 平行进口镜头, 水货
67) Square Filter = 方形滤镜
68) Screw On Filter = 螺杆式过滤器
69) Filter Adaptor = 滤镜接环器
70) See Through Filter = 通摄过滤器 (refer to #55)

Brands 品牌
71) Canon = 佳能
72) Nikon = 尼康
73) Sony = 索尼
74) Pentax = 宾得
75) Olympus = 奥林巴斯
76) Fujifilm = 富士
77) Panasonic = 松下
78) Sigma = 西格玛
79) Tamron = 腾龙
80) Tokina = 图丽
81) Hasselblad = 哈苏
82) Leica = 徕卡
83) Samsung = 三星
84) Casio = 卡西欧
85) Mamiya = 玛米亚
86) Contax = 康泰思
87) Konica = 柯尼卡 (Konica Minolta = #87 + #88)
88) Minolta = 美能达 (Konica Minolta = #87 + #88)
89) Kodak = 柯达
90) Polaroid = 宝丽来

Others 其他
91) Studio = 摄影室
92) 35mm = 35毫米全帧格式
93) Medium Format = 中等格式
94) Large Format = 大幅面格式
95) Camera Sensor = 摄像头传感器
96) Cropped Sensor = 裁剪格式
97) Photography = 拍照
98) Photocoffee = 摆出相机喝咖啡
99) Photobrag = 废话联翩而拍不出像样的照片
100) Photopervert = 拿着相机骗小妹妹。

I hope you had fun reading the above list as much as we had fun putting it together for you.
Please feel free to share this article with your friends and spread some laughter to someone today.

如果您 读了此 稿后笑了一个痛快, 不如将此稿发送给您的 色淫 摄影朋友,也让他 们笑一笑吧!


